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  Brown Pants: Norman Island

Brown Pants Dive Site Norman Island BVI

DEPTH: 10-40 FEET (3-12 M)


The south shore of Norman Island is compelling in its primitive beauty: rugged cliffs descend into the breaking surf, long tortured fingers of rock reach out just beneath the surface of the sea, and nowhere can the hand of man been seen. It's a world away from the yachting lifestyle found on the other side of the island.

Many years ago, when Annie and Duncan Muirhead were running Misty Law, the first live-aboard in the BVI, they were exploring this point as a possible dive site. Several large bull sharks rounded a corner and chased them back to their boat, and the site was named.

The point rises abruptly from the flat, almost barren sea floor. The water is usually clear here. When you first descend, look out into the blue for turtles and eagle rays. Then move up shallower, toward the underwater cliffs. Small gangs of curious barracuda loiter outside the rocks. The dive consists of exploring the numerous canyons and grottos that are defined by the network of ridges extending from shore. There is a large open cave in one of the canyons. A dive light will reveal all the glorious brilliant colors of the encrusting sponges that grow in the shadows.

Seen here: large whitespotted filefish, Black durgon, schools of palmetto, queen angelfish, turtles, eagle rays, barracuda

Text extracted from The Guide to Diving and Snorkeling in the British Virgin Islands by Jeff Williams, Ria O'Hagan.

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Click Here for More Info on Yachts Which Offer Onboard Diving

ONBOARD diving from a charter yacht is by far the best choice if you are planning a scuba diving trip in the Virgin Islands:

Your Captain will help you choose the perfect dive site - you sail up to the site - hook up to a mooring ball - dive in some of the world's best diving waters, and when you're done you climb back aboard your yacht to be met by the chef with a most welcome snack.

No need to wait for a commercial dive operator - then getting on a stinky diesel dive boat with strangers and taking time to get to and from the dive site - using up half the day.

Nothing beats a USVI or BVI catamaran yacht charter for ease and convenience when Scuba Diving in the Virgin Islands.

An awesome liveaboard scuba diving experience you will never forget!