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  Coral Bowl: St Thomas

Coral Bowl Dive Site St Thomas USVI

DEPTH: 30-80 FT

Coral Bowl (AKA Joe's Jam) looks like a bowl shaped slope starting in 30 feet and descending to 80 feet at its bottom. All around the sides of the bowl are sloping tiers of hard and soft corals, full of nooks and overhangs to explore. Schooling fish swim along the different levels, as lobsters, eels and nurse sharks watch from their protected homes. As you swim throughout the magnificent reefs, keep your eyes peeled for southern stingrays that can range up to six-and-a-half feet wingtip to wingtip. As magnificent as this site is during the day, if you want a truly memorable experience, try diving it at night. As soon as the Caribbean sun sinks below the horizon, the ledges and overhangs of Joe's Jam come alive with sea creatures large and small. Giant green turtles will pass you by as they swim in from the depths to sleep in the reef. The finale of your day will be blocking your light for just a moment, and watching the reef light up with bioluminescence.

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Click Here for More Info on Yachts Which Offer Onboard Diving

ONBOARD diving from a charter yacht is by far the best choice if you are planning a scuba diving trip in the Virgin Islands:

Your Captain will help you choose the perfect dive site - you sail up to the site - hook up to a mooring ball - dive in some of the world's best diving waters, and when you're done you climb back aboard your yacht to be met by the chef with a most welcome snack.

No need to wait for a commercial dive operator - then getting on a stinky diesel dive boat with strangers and taking time to get to and from the dive site - using up half the day.

Nothing beats a USVI or BVI catamaran yacht charter for ease and convenience when Scuba Diving in the Virgin Islands.

An awesome liveaboard scuba diving experience you will never forget!